P&V Groep

Driving value by building enterprise architecture maturity

In the project at P&V Group, a top 10 cooperative insurer in Belgium, our team was asked to support the transition from a top-down governance towards an agile target operation model. With enterprise architecture being a key ingredient of this new operation model.


P&V Group already had a mature solution architecture practice on project level, but typical enterprise architecture concerns were considered an IT concern. This created tension between business and IT. The objective was to have an enterprise architecture practice that supported the new operating model, simplified the landscape and decreased the running cost and have more predictability on delivering changes.



What P&V Group Had to Do

Integrate enterprise architecture as part of an agile operating model to improve value delivery and decrease the cost of operations.


How XPLUS Helped

Designed enterprise practices, established governance structures, and fostered IT-business collaboration with value-driven change management.


What the Results Were

Delivered value by increasing portfolio predictability, reducing IT costs, decreasing major incidents, and improving alignment between business and IT.


Being pragmatic with attention for change management

The XPLUS consultants kickstarted the project by focusing on designing enterprise practices. Starting from a clear understanding of the needs and drivers behind, high-value outcomes could be delivered. They established governance structures like sounding boards and steering committees as part of the operational model, fostering a common language and creating capability maps for architecture. They pragmatically applied the SAFE model to add value to the company, emphasizing a holistic view that considers the business, portfolios, and roadmaps.


The approach was not a one-time effort but was iteratively validated in steering committees, adapting to varying levels of business maturity and onboarding more individuals into the model to drive value. Collaboration with the business was key, tailoring governance approaches based on differences in maturity and agility across departments.


Essential in the project was the change management that involved defining stakeholders’ groups and fostering collaboration between IT and business stakeholders. Adequate training and communication were organized to enable stakeholders to successfully make the change. At the start of the rollout, the people and organization were ready for an Enterprise Architecture approach that focused more on the business and portfolios. The program continues further, further adjusting the approach and learning with annual road mapping interactions.

“One year after implementation, we notice that we have more predictability on our business value delivery roadmap and a drop of major incidents thanks to the introduction of Enterprise Architecture.”


– Rudi Serron – CIO P&V Group

Measurable results after 1 year

After one-year, significant progress has been made with the introduction of an EA roadmap, fostering visibility and predictability while driving higher business value. This period also saw a notable reduction in overall IT costs and a significant decrease in major incidents. Emphasizing the importance of tailoring governance and practice to individual business lines based on value rather than process.


XPLUS played a pivotal role in swiftly elevating enterprise architecture maturity, adopting a pragmatic work approach, and prioritizing the delivery of maximum value for P&V, ultimately assisting businesses in articulating their specific needs and shaping a forward-looking IT vision.


Have our experienced architects help you out

If you need help with enterprise architecture, digital transformation, business architecture, or all of the above, fill out your details and submit. One of our partners will reach out to you shortly. Contact us now